With the online market for second-hand clothes booming, here’s how you can turn unwanted items in your wardrobe into cash
There are certain milestones in your life when you should consider making a will or updating your existing one – and buying a home is one of them.
New rules on dealing with mould and damp in private rental properties are on the horizon. Here's what landlords need to know.
Landlords need to know about an important government rule change that quietly came into force late last year.
Buying a property that was previously a rental can be well worth considering. Here’s what you need to know.
The Bank of England has decided to cut the interest rate from 4.75% to 4.5%. What might this mean for homeowners, buyers, landlords and sellers in our area?
If you’re considering selling your home, timing is everything. And according to the latest research from Rightmove, February and March are the best months to list your property—with nearly 7 in 10 homes successfully selling when listed during this period.
As this month is Frugal February, now’s the time to take charge of your finances. Here are three tips to help you save and prosper.
Congratulations – you’ve had an offer on your future new home accepted. But don’t rush out to buy curtains just yet. Here’s some important information about what happens next.
How can you encourage tenants to settle long-term in your rental? A report compiled by consumer psychologists claims to have the answers.
Let's look at what's happening in the property market at the end of January 2025. And ask, is now a good time to buy or sell?
According to Zoopla, almost two-thirds of neurodiverse people give up on buying a home.* Here are three tips to make the process easier and less stressful.